Retention is the output

“How many users remained active within a defined time period after signing up?”

Output (Retention) = Inputs(activation, engagement, resurrection)

Mistakes of working outside in

  1. Set the wrong frequency
  2. Choosing the wrong core action
  3. Optimizing for the incorrect audience

Need to build from the inside out:


Problem, Persona, Why, Alternative, Frequency

Key question: what is the natural usage behavior and pattern of my target audience around the core value of the app?

You need to align nature w/ nurture:

  1. if too much - spam, delete
  2. if too little - forget about it

Start by defining use cases (Problem, persona, why, alternative, frequency). TAL at this by using two products as examples: Pinterest and HubSpot.

Pinterest HubSpot
Problem What is the problem in the words of a user? I’m bored and want to see things I’m interested in. Spend hours on inefficient activities like CRM data entry, manual follow-ups, etc.
Persona core audience
Why Core reason the user chooses our product to solve their problem Browse pictures around my interest that can’t find anywhere else. Automate activities to help me close more deals.
Alternative What is the alternative to solving their problem?

NOTE: alternatives are not direct competitors, you are looking for other ways they solve the problem. Use that to inform the frequency. | - Browsing magazines

Use Case Frequency Spectrum